By Nigel Johnston on 05 Nov. 867
Back to Desborough Sailing Club...
By Nigel Johnston on 01 Sep. 1325
After a hectic week...
By Nigel Johnston on 15 Jul. 1837
It was time for the Black Cherry Fair procession again, so off I went with the camera.
By Nigel Johnston on 26 May. 1870
Video of an amazing encounter with a green turtle...
By Nigel Johnston on 23 Apr. 2097
I've missed taking the camera out. So off I went.
By Nigel Johnston on 13 Apr. 1670
I've finally got around to making an Instagram account...
By Nigel Johnston on 06 Nov. 2185
An evening of fireworks at Desborough...
By Nigel Johnston on 18 Oct. 1869
Oh, you said Deer...
By Nigel Johnston on 26 Aug. 2101
Suddenly a young heron appeared.
By Nigel Johnston on 25 Aug. 1244
Another outing with the macro lens watching the bees.
By Nigel Johnston on 11 Aug. 1277
The sunflowers were looking particularly fab today.
By Nigel Johnston on 27 Jul. 837
A break in the rain and as the sun came out, so did the bees.
By Nigel Johnston on 23 Jul. 808
Another outing to check how the grebes are doing. Although there are only 2 chicks in the photos, chick number 3 was having too much fun down river.
By Nigel Johnston on 11 Jul. 955
I made it to another Black Cherry Fair procession for a few photos.
By Nigel Johnston on 26 Jun. 826
A sunny afternoon in the lovely 'Monet Garden' at Passford House in the New Forest.
By Nigel Johnston on 01 Jun. 917
A quick outing to check up on the grebes and all 3 chicks are doing well and getting bigger.
By Nigel Johnston on 28 May. 818
An updated look for the website with some new content and features.
By Nigel Johnston on 18 May. 814
Having previously watched the Grebes' courtship dances, their nest building and egg laying, it was a real treat to finally see them out on the river with their new family.
By Nigel Johnston on 03 Apr. 830
I received a surprise email on Monday from Brian, a friend and fellow photographer. This lead to a few more emails, a phone call and ultimately a very pleasant afternoon by the river.